Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's "Fun" to Be Healthy!

Hi Shannon Goldberg,

I bumped into your blog today and was wondering if I could get your opinion on a diet/fitness app I am working on right now.

Basically, the main problem with being fit and eating healthy is motivation and willpower. It's such an abstract goal that seems overwhelming. It seems the best way to counter this is to make it into smaller, winnable games.

So my app makes living healthy, eating healthy, and fitness into a RPG game, where users earn points, "level up', and earn badges as they accomplish their health goals. Everytime they add something healthy like whole greens, and veggies to their food log, they earn points. Everytime they complete a workout, they earn points. As they achieve more and more, they'll level up and unlock badges...

Of course, to appeal to people's need for achievements/progress, I'm also adding charts, and graphs to show their progress... I think people love that sorta stuff. The whole idea is to shift people's attitude towards healthy living as fun, and enjoyable. And there's gonna be a web version for those that don't own smartphones.

What's your opinion on this idea? Would you want to know when I'm done with it? ^_^

Thanks so much!


Dear Annon,

I think you have a wonderful idea. And to your point, I agree that people need something beyond feeling healthy and fit- they want the process of getting in shape to be "fun!"

My boyfriend actually manages a gym in New York City, and one thing we agree on, is that optimum health is achieved through building and marinating a healthy lifestyle. It’s not about only eating healthy, only working out, or temporarily getting into shape. It’s about changing your overall attitude toward healthy living- which is the holistic approach. Once this is realized, people recognize that the “fun” is in looking and feeling good, and the reward is in the overall satisfaction one feels when they achieve a healthy mind and body.

In regards to skin care, the field I represent, people ask me similar questions about attaining a healthy complexion. What I try to emphasize is that it’s not about buying the best and most expensive product on the market, it’s about everything…

· Staying Hydrated
· Eating Healthy
· A Peaceful Mind
· Working Out
· Staying away from smoking and alcohol
· And Beauty Sleep

Yes, this is a laundry list of things to maintain and establish in order to just look and feel great, but that’s precisely my point. You cannot achieve great skin without establishing balance in ALL of these areas- not just one or the other.

Hope this helps, and good luck with your App!

T646-845-7403 | F 646-845-7301

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

4N21 likes the BIG 4-0!

One blog we love is,"Women's Voices for Change"
Read on about what they say about being 40 and beautiful! Clearly age is just a number, and you are what you feel..

"It’s something we have believed at Women’s Voices for Change since our founding more than five years ago: turning 40 is a time to celebrate. On Monday, the NBC News program Today took up the discussion with a look at some Gen X women who entered their 40s with gusto, not dread. Some celebrate the milestone with physical feats, like taking part in a triathlon. Others travel to beautiful parts of the world or to pampering spas. We are in full agreement with the notion that this is a time of life that presents new opportunities and we’re happy to see women embracing the second half — make that best half — of life."

Visit this link to view the online's quite inspiring!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Your Skin And The Foods You Eat

Many authorities have a good reason to champion the fact that food nutrients such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and omega oils are now showing up in personal care products. According to studies published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Food and Chemical Toxicology and Environmental Health Perspectives, skin can absorb up to 60 percent of what we apply to it. So, feeding skin high-quality ingredients may be as critical as the food we eat.

It's common knowledge that drinking a sufficient amount of pure water is essential for overall health and radiant skin. Here is a look at how other recommended foods contribute to ageless beauty.

Avocado - Avocados are abundant in skin-beautifying goodies: omega-3 fatty acids, which support healthy, flexible, strong cell membranes to ensure that nutrients can enter cells and waste can be removed; antioxidant vitamins A and E; fortifying B-complex vitamins; lecithin, to protect and strengthen cell walls; and potassium, to support new cell growth. They also host a portfolio of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds -- including phytosterols, carotenoids, flavonoids, zinc and folate -- that fight free radicals and repair, soothe and renew skin and tissue on a cellular level.

Blueberries - The Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging reports that blueberries contain some of the highest antioxidant levels of any food, especially when fully ripe, and teem with skin-healing, anti-inflammatory properties. The deep, purple-blue color of these morsels is a reflection of the pigment-rich antioxidant phytonutrients, called anthocynanins, shown to improve the integrity of collagen in skin and inhibit photoaging (sun damage), according to a study in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology.

Chocolate - Chocolate offers a wealth of antioxidant catechins (like those found in green tea), and according to the National Academy of Sciences and the European Journal of Nutrition, works to improve hydration, skin density and circulation of blood to skin tissues, for a more youthful, glowing complexion.

Scientific American and the Journal of Investigative Dermatology report that chocolate is also a supreme source of procyanidins, which counter skin damage and help protect it while stimulating cellular growth and renewal. Dark chocolate offers the most beautifying benefits per bite, so look for 65 percent or higher cocoa content, and keep the portions small to mindfully manage calorie and fat intake.

Cruciferous Vegetable - The crucifer family -- including cabbage, broccoli, kale, Swiss chard and radishes -- is loaded with skin-beautifying compounds. According to studies by the National Academy of Sciences, its sulfur-containing phytonutrients boost the body's natural detoxification enzymes to combat and repair damage to skin. Low in calories, these mineral-dense and antioxidant-rich veggies are packed with carotenoid antioxidants, which help neutralize carcinogens and oxidative stress on skin, reduce inflammation, and bolster immune response. They also contain isothiacynates, which research published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows, specifically guard against breast cancer.

Dark Leafy Greens - Dark leafy vegetables, such as collard greens, kale, parsley, spinach and Swiss chard, offer more nutrients with fewer calories than any other food. Like cruciferous veggies, they're packed with carotenoid antioxidants. Green veggies are also an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which the body needs to produce and regulate the sebum in our skin and hair follicles for healthy, well-conditioned skin and a supple complexion.

Green Tea - Green tea is infused with a potent portfolio of age-defying antioxidants. Because green tea is minimally processed, of all the teas it offers the most antioxidant polyphenols, including a specific catechin, believed to inhibit cancer and also beautify the skin.

Micro- and Macro-Algae - Micro-algae - including blue-green algae, chlorella and spirulina--are among the most concentrated sources of a full spectrum of beautifying vitamins and minerals for skin and hair and are easy for the body to absorb. These single-celled plants contain one of the highest sources by weight of protein, beta-carotene, nucleic acids (RNA/DNA) and chlorophyll of any food on the planet according to studies published by the American Society for Microbiology. Micro-algae are available in capsules or tablets, as well as in powder form for powerhouse smoothies.

Ocean-growing seaweed (macro-algae) contains more minerals and trace minerals than any other food according to research published by Food Chemistry -- 10 to 20 times more than many land vegetables (Note from Renée - can take this out for word count). Long prized for their beautifying effects on skin and hair, sea vegetables are an abundant source of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, as well as B-complex vitamins, including B12, for glowing skin; plus the unique ergosterol, which converts into vitamin D2 in the body to support healthy skin cell metabolism and growth. Look for sea veggies arame, dulse, hijiki, nori and wakame for a concentrated source of age-defying nutrition.

Omega Oils - Healthy oils, including omega fatty acids, grow and nourish healthy, glowing skin, strong nails and lustrous hair. They act as a conditioner for skin, maintaining and supporting healthy, flexible, strong cell membranes to ensure that nutrients can enter cells and waste can be removed.

Uncooked oils offer many beautifying benefits; because many nutrients are damaged and destroyed by heat--the fresher and less refined the oil, the better. Foods rich in omegas include flax seed and oil; olives and olive oil; pumpkin seed and oil; walnuts; and winter squash.

Raw Honey - With an ample spread of vitamins and minerals, such as antioxidant vitamins A, C and E; skin-supportive vitamins D and K; amino acids; and fortifying, reparative, B-complex vitamins, raw honey's combined flower nectar and enzymes are laden with beautifying nutrients, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and healing compounds. The benefits are largely determined by the honey's the source and the environmental conditions in which the bees live.

Red Wine - Loaded with beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory flavonoids, red wine is a well-known source of cell-protecting resveratrol. Concentrated in the skin of grapes and championed for anti-aging and anticancer properties in studies published by the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and Anticancer Research, resveratrol appears to protect the skin against the sun's ultraviolet radiation, notes research in Neoplasia. Cabernet Sauvignon grapes contain some of the highest concentration of age-defying antioxidants.

So, eat and drink up!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Your Brain Has A Beauty Spot!

British scientists at the University College London have recently discovered that when people see or feel beauty in a piece of art or music a specific area of their brain “lights up.”

This beauty spot, known as the medial orbito-frontal cortex, is located at the front of the brain just a few centimetres above our eyes.

Participants in the study lied in a MRI scanner so that their brain activity could be measured while being shown pictures and music. Then they were asked to rate their experiences on a scale of 1 to beautiful. When participants saw something they thought was ugly there was little brain activity seen. When they experienced something that they rated as beautiful more activity was triggered.

While some pieces of music and art triggered similar reactions, for the most part, each volunteer perceived different things as attractive or unattractive. It just goes to show that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder….