The words pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads are things you have probably dealt with before, but what’s the difference between them? Pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads are various forms of acne that affect the face, chest, back, and shoulders. Treating these various forms of acne can be tedious and take dedication, but once you’ve devoted yourself to keeping the skin and body healthy, you’ll see noticeable results in no time. The right combination of diet, nutrient supplements, and topical skin products can work to combat acne while also fighting the signs of aging from the inside out.
Various Forms of Acne
Not to be confused with just a teenage phase, acne can affect teens, adults, and sometimes even infants. Since it is a very common disease, you need to know what form of acne you are personally dealing with. Although they may look different, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads are all results from clogged pores.
Initially, to understand what a pimple is, you have to understand the difference between whiteheads and blackheads. If the pore is completely clogged and remains closed at the surface, it is called a whitehead. Whiteheads:
Are clogged with sebum, an oily substance
Have a white appearance
Most commonly evolve into pimples
Differing from a whitehead, a blackhead is formed when a pore is only partially clogged, allowing some of the trapped sebum to slowly drain to the surface. The black color is caused by the oxygen in the air reacting to the exposed pore.
Usually, pimples are confused as another name for acne, but pimples are just another form of acne. When a pore becomes infected and is inflamed, it is considered a pimple. As part of your immune response, blood flow increases, which is the body’s natural defense against acne. Pimples usually develop after whiteheads or blackheads have become infected.
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